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Version 11.x

Customer Service and Help Desk Software

SmarterTrack is a powerful communications platform that acts as an online help desk for initiating, tracking, managing and reporting on a number of different communication channels. Whether it is a ticket submission via email or from the online portal, a live chat, a community post, comments made on a knowledge base article or more, SmarterTrack provides a centralized outlet for all communication channels and is an ideal solution for building your online community.

SmarterTrack Edition Explanation

Professional Edition vs. Enterprise Edition

SmarterTrack Professional has all of the features required to manage a fully-functional help desk. SmarterTrack Enterprise offers additional features, including:

  • Mobile interface for smartphone users
  • Scheduled and on-demand email reports
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Support for multiple brands
  • External providers
  • Instant Message feature for agents
  • Failover functionality Note: Requires a SmarterTrack Enterprise with Failover functionality license.

SmarterTrack.com Hosted Helpdesk

The SmarterTrack.com Hosted Helpdesk (SaaS) offers all of the Enterprise edition features, as well as free access to SmarterTrack's VoIP softphone, Communicator.

SmarterTrack Free

SmarterTrack Free contains much of the same functionality as SmarterTrack Enterprise, but is limited to a single agent. This is to give you an opportunity to try all of the features out before making a decision on what product to purchase.

SmarterTrack Edition Comparison

You can also refer to the following edition comparison chart for more information about each edition.

Management Interface

Features Free1 Pro Enterprise
Agent responses by email
Transfer tickets (to agents, departments, groups and other installations)
Cross-associate tickets, live chats, calls, and tasks
Automatically suggests related tickets and knowledge base articles
Comments and resolutions
View/search ticket history
Canned replies
Mark tickets for follow-up
Ticket surveys  
Advanced ticket searching
Define custom fields for tickets
Force complete custom fields (agents only)
Instant Message feature for agents  
Multiple user-defined signatures per agent
Enforceable company-wide signature standard
Dynamic signature attributes by brand, language, etc.
Intelligent ticket routing (via cherry picking or round robin)
Custom ticket distribution options using Events
Tickets assigned to agent's brand and/or language  
Automatic and manual rebalancing of ticket workload
Time logging
Live Chat
Auto-translation in over 35 languages
Handle chats inline or as a popup
Audible and visual alerts
Chat idle time warning levels
Transfer chats (to agents, departments, and groups)
Cross-associate tickets, live chats, calls, and tasks
Automatically suggests related knowledge base articles
View/search chat history
Automated responses
Live chat surveys  
Advanced chat searching
Define custom fields for chats
Force complete custom fields (agents only)
Available/Unavailable settings when going AFK
Get Assistance feature for agents  
Google Maps and Bing Maps integration
Manage chat queues
Multiple chat session support
Co-chat with other agents
Administrator participation without transfer (coaching)
Agent chat rooms  
Agent instant messaging  
Automatic agent failover
Support for alternate agent avatars and identities (aliases)
Intelligent routing (via cherry picking or round robin)
Custom chat distribution options
Live chats assigned by agent's brand and/or language  
Time logging
Track incoming and outgoing phone calls
Automatically suggests related knowledge base articles
Cross-associate tickets, live chats, calls and tasks
Integration with most VoIP systems
Click-to-call functionality
SIP-compliant softphone   Add-on Add-on
Time logging
Assign tasks to agents
Assign a status to a task (approved, in progress, etc.)
Create recurring tasks
Visual alerts for overdue tasks
Cross-associate tickets, live chats, calls, and tasks
Managers can view and track tasks for their departments
Who's On
Live monitoring of users on website
Filter visitors by brand, page, or any available attributes  
Advanced visitor and session display in preview pane
Integrated with live chat for pushing and inviting of live chats
Filtering of users on website
World geographic density map
Who's On surveys  
Integrated with events system for automated actions
Knowledge Base
Embed document links in KB articles and news items (attachments)
Embed flash files (.swf) in KB articles and news items
Embed media files in KB articles and news items
Organize KB articles and news items by brand   
Edit multiple KB articles concurrently
HTML tag stripping tool
Set stale dates for KB articles
Mark KB articles for review
View statistics for a KB article
View unsuccessful KB search queries
KB article comments
Check articles for broken links
Quick comment moderation
Assign articles to agents for creation
Events And Notifications
Event-driven architecture
Notification profiles
Combine multiple actions into a single, manual event
Assign actions to events (.e.g. transfers, escalations, notifications)
Service Level Agreements (SLA) compatible
Automatically launch surveys from events  
Assign actions to monitored survey results  
Compatible with SmarterNotify real-time notifications
Over 30 summary reports
Over 30 trend reports
Cost analysis reports  
Multiple event reports  
Survey reports by agent, department, or group  
Custom field reports  
Scheduled and on-demand email reports  
Define custom reports  
Dual-axis charting
Agent roles system
Define company structure
Multiple brand support  
Hidden departments
Agent avatars to personalize customer communication
Assign departments to a specific language
Assign departments and agents to specific brands  
Real-time monitoring of tickets
Real-time monitoring of live chats
Supervisor monitoring
Quality control
Master categories for improved organization
Monitor live chat rooms   
Monitor and review individual surveys   
Optimized database for large volumes
Minimum password requirements and enforcement
External providers with custom fields  
Define custom fields for live chats and tickets
Link to third-party databases via external providers  
Authenticate customer and agent logins via third-party sources  
Web services allow for integration into other applications
Web Interface
Custom CSS for customization of the customer portal and management interface
Optimized AJAX controls provide desktop application performance
Multi-language compatible
AJAX spell-check
Rich text editing
Compatible with most tablets (iPad, Nexus 7, etc.)
Mobile Interface
Low bandwidth interface for smartphones (iPhone, Android, etc.)  
Hosted service option (SaaS)     
Failover functionality2    
VPS server installation option
Shared server installation option
IIS 7.0+ supported
Compatible with shared hosting environments
Supports SQL Server 2008 R2 and higher
Supports SQL Server Express Edition
Implementation in Microsoft .NET 4.0

Portal Interface

Features Free Pro Enterprise
Submit tickets through the portal
Submit tickets through email
Automatically suggests related KB articles during ticket submission
Insert attachments (configurable)
Capture visitor data (custom fields)
Live Chat
Auto-translation in over 35 languages
Enabled chat links into website
Online/offline indication
Send files via live chat
Agent typing indicator
Capture visitor data (custom fields)
Email and print live chat transcripts (customer side)
Customizable chat icons
Detect and recover from lost connection
Knowledge Base
KB article translation (link to manual translations or auto-translate with the built-in translation tool)
SEO-friendly article representation
Organized by category
Searchable (full natural search support)
Private KB articles
Social networking (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Define role permissions for agents and end-users
Extended pre-defined roles (e.g. everyone, agent, registered user)
CAPTCHA support for ticket submission and user registration (optional)
Anonymous/registered/authenticated user methods
Multi-lingual support for all news items
RSS feeds
Social networking (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Web Interface
STInterfaceFramework (standardized skinning and elegant navigation)
Tabbed interface for improved organization
Multi-lingual support for all interface text
Customizable company logo
Google Analytics integration
Compatible with most popular Web browsers
Compatible with most mobile devices and tablets (iPad, iPhone, Android, etc.)

1SmarterTrack Free Edition contains much of the same functionality as SmarterTrack Enterprise Edition, but is limited to a single agent. This is to give you an opportunity to try all of the features out before making a decision on what product to purchase.

2Requires activation of the SmarterTrack Enterprise with Failover Functionality license.

For further assistance choosing the right edition, please contact Connetrix at 1-516-576-3300 and more information can be found on the SmarterTools website.

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